Projects > Mirror

The great Bathtub Ring of the sinking Lake Mead is a mineralized and neofossilized landscape of young ruins caused by the diminishing reservoir. This monument to abandoned futures provides a conceptual backdrop I use to imagine new forms out of the discarded remains of failed reclamation.

I made this image based on a photo I took from the Hoover Dam- both a starting place and an end point, a liminal space between past and future to view the big, inconstant, ungraspable present. I reference Robert Smithson’s The Shape of the Future and Memory (1966) to interpret “a double perspective of past and future that follows a projection that vanishes into a nonexistent present.”

From Abandoned Lot, Secluded Cove, at ASAP Gallery, Las Vegas, NV, August 2024

Image on postcards
Image on postcards